Saturday, January 21, 2023

Mm .. Malware Analysis

"All things are determined by external causes to exist and to act in a fixed and determinate way."—Baruch Spinoza

TL;DR: Analysis of malspam potentially targeting an organization. C#/.NET binary using KoiVM, process hollowing, and abusing vulnerable procexp152.sys driver.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Cannabis vs Cognition

Searching through papers this morning curious about evidence-based studies on cannabis (and synthetic cannabis[1][2]) in relation to psychosis, schizophrenia, and general effects on cognition.

I thought this paper was interesting: "An Evidence Based Review of Acute and Long-Term Effects of Cannabis Use on Executive Cognitive Functions"

In some studies, cannabis seemed to increase some users ability to focus. But further studies discovered that while some users experienced improved focus, they often had trouble recalling what they were focused on. The above study is an interesting overview which makes empirical arguments that cannabis largely reduces working memory, impairs executive function, and undermines mental flexibility, and thus might promote users to behave irrationally and impulsively.