Thursday, August 17, 2023

Domain-less .. For Now

When I first made accounts on the internet, I bought the domain, thinking I was very clever, and registered a six character handle, "hexagr," across various platforms. But .. some time passed, and someone snagged the domain up a few years ago only a day after it expired, just before I could re-register it.

Maybe one day it will find its way back to me. Or I'll figure something else out. But for the meantime, I'm stuck with this seemingly nonsensical handle across several blogs. And no domain .. for now.

The handle is a play on the frequent occurence of the number six in the universe. A self-referential joke in reference to the word hexagram. And not intended to be pronounced. It was also reference to the element Carbon, whose atomic number is six. And carbon-based life. Furthermore, in physics, there are six degrees of freedom.

Blaise Pascal also used the hexagram to demonstrate the concept of unicursality, showing a shape could be drawn in one continuous line, rather than by two overlaid triangles. And Philip K. Dick once wrote an essay titled "Schizophrenia and the Book of Changes," in which he references the shape due to the I Ching. It's also used in some religious contexts, though I'm not as familiar with those. Allegedly it's used to represent a heart chakra or something.

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